Worry ~ The World’s Favorite Past Time


Life can be excruciatingly painful. So much so, that it becomes difficult to deny the pain that exists within our human condition. This awareness reminds us that we are not always in complete control of the circumstances of our life, no matter how hard we try.

As I began delving into the idea that “Suffering is Optional”, I felt a heavy sense of responsibility looming in the distance.

If suffering really is optional, why do we allow it to exist within our lives?

As Human Beings, we continuously allow our minds to be contaminated with thoughts that are ruled by


These thoughts then control our emotions and they wreak havoc within all aspects of our physical life.  I began to realize that we cannot always prevent or avoid pain, yet suffering (physically, mentally and emotionally) are all completely within our control.

We believe that pain causes our suffering, but the truth is,

our refusal

We simply cannot let the “person, place, memory, feeling, emotion, desire, choice, conversation, action, regret or frustration” go.  We must drown in it, roll around in it and beat this dead horse to the point of pure agony before we release it. And often times we refuse to release it at all.

Once you have done all that you can do in any situation, you must let it go, release it and refuse to allow it to continue to affect your mental and emotional well being.

How many times, within each and every day, do you cause suffering within your own life?

How often do you focus negatively on things that you cannot control?

how much

These negative thoughts contaminate our mind, control our emotions and perpetuate the suffering within our physical life.

We must make a conscious effort to release all suffering.  While the circumstances of our life are not always within our control, our thoughts always are. We must understand that worrying promotes suffering.  The very act of worrying does nothing to positively effect the outcome of our life, or the lives of those around us.

to suffer

We must understand that we are the cause of our suffering, therefore we are the only cure. It is time for each of us to take responsibility for our suffering.  We must stop allowing ourselves to become engulfed in the self destructive process of worry, fear, doubt and anxiety. We all hold within us, the power to stop all suffering within our life.

It is time to take your power back. It is time to release your pain, anguish and trauma once and for all. Every being on this planet has suffered long enough. It is time to find a new past time, a new hobby, a new way of life. It is time to stop the self sabotage, self destruction and self inflicted suffering.

You owe it to yourself to let it go.

One thought on “Worry ~ The World’s Favorite Past Time

  1. So true and watching the news helps perpetuate fear. They make it seem like the world is a dangerous place. The way I limit my negative thoughts is to consciously do so, but it takes daily practice and to stop watching anything negative, including the news.


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