Vegan Friendly Foodie Review- Chuy’s Mexican Food, Houston, TX

We all have a hands down, could eat it every second of every day, never gets old, mouth starts watering at the mere mention of it, stomach growls in excitement

favoriteMy wonderful husband is no exception. His foodie love affair extends way past the norm when it comes to one food in particular

Mexican FoodIf he lived alone-

My side of the bed would be replaced with Huevos Rancheros, Negra Modelo, Green Salsa and hundreds of freshly sliced limes.

Can you picture just how glorious that truly is?

blue borderWhen we became Vegan, we figured Mexican Food was the one food that we could still enjoy, with the least amount of fuss. I mean, we could always tell the waitress

“No Cheese, Meat or Sour Cream…”

and still have a huge variety of goodies to choose from. Right?

wrong 2

After some serious research, we quickly found out that there is one particular Non-Vegan ingredient that many Mexican Food eateries LOVE to add to nearly every single item on their menu…

lard 2

Mexican Food Restaurants use Lard in various aspects of their menu items; from the rice to the various kinds of beans and even the tortillas. Lard is a huge staple of Authentic Mexican Food and many dishes simply wouldn’t taste the same without it.

After all of our research, my husband was completely devastated. It was obvious. He began the grieving process of leaving behind, his favorite foodie love of all time.

My husband has been so supportive and encouraging on our Vegan journey. I just couldn’t let him give up his favorite food. We live in Texas for crying out loud-


Who knows, it just might be. It’s a damn shame.

I began the grueling task of researching Mexican Restaurants that had Vegan food options. I finally found it. There was a Mexican Food Restaurant 5 minutes from our house, that had everything our little Vegan hearts desired.

I couldn’t believe it!

chuys 1I was so excited to take my husband out to dinner Friday night! The heavenly scent of fresh tortillas engulfed our senses as we walked through the door. It was amazing to see hundreds of fresh tortillas made by hand, piping hot, ready to be served.

tortillas 2When our waitress handed us the menu, I couldn’t help but notice how disappointed my husband looked as he asked

“What can we eat here?”

I smiled and listed some of the goodies I had found online.

  • Flour, Corn, Blue Corn, Wheat Tortillas
  • Mexican or Green Chile Rice
  • Refried or Charro Beans
  • Guacamole Tacos
  • Bean Taco or Bean Burrito (No Cheese)
  • Bean Sopapilla (No Cheese)
  • Ranchero or Tomatillo Sauce
  • Veggie Enchiladas <~~~~~ YES!!


My husband smiled and his eyes lit up. He could have his enchiladas and his rice and beans too! He ordered a Negra Modelo with sliced lime. I knew that all was right with the world once more.


The Veggie Enchiladas are so good! We can’t wait to try the Guacamole Tacos on our next trip. If you are desperately needing your Mexican Food fix, Vegan style, check to see if there is a Chuy’s Mexican Restaurant near you. No Lard- No Problem!